Caffeine Injection

Roy and I were in Cape Town over the weekend and we came up with a cunning plan to visit as many coffee shops as we could fit into our already overladen schedule. By the time we had completed our little coffee bar hopping excursion, however, I felt a bit like I’d been mainlining caffeine. Nevertheless, it was a rather fun way to spend a few hours and learn where everything in the City Bowl is in relation to everything else. These are some of the places we visited.

Deluxe Coffee Works
25 Church Street, City Center, Cape Town

This place is tiny, but it makes me want to move to Cape Town. They seem to know nearly everyone who walks through the door by name, which is completely amazing! Their coffee is pretty darn good and they also sell beans by the bag, just remember to to some cold hard cash with you as they don’t have a card machine.

Truth Coffee HQ
36 Buitenkant Street

Okay so we went here more to see the Steampunk décor for ourselves than for the coffee, as you can get Truth coffee just about anywhere these days but it was still rad. I’ve always loved Steampunk, and it’s cool to see such a massive space dedicated to the sci-fi sub-genre outside of a movie or dingy club in the middle of deepest, darkest Europe.

Haas Collective
67 Rose Street, Bo Kaap

This place is pretty darn cool. The space consists of a “design gallery, concept store and high end coffee house and roastery”.  The art on the walls is beautiful and if I had a spare R10k lying around I’d definitely buy something. Sadly, I’m not that lucky, so I’ll have to give that idea a miss for now. I was ready for a break from the coffee at this point so I opted for a pot of Rooibos tea but I have it on good authority that the coffee was delicious. (That’s Emil @thelimeline in the pic on the right, he doesn’t work there but does in fact give good tours of the city to friends from out of town.)

Left image of Truth taken from their website. The other pics are either mine or Roy’s.

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