Tag Archives | Longboarding

Urban Descent

We were up bright and early for the Gunslinger / Quiksilver Urban Descent in Glenwood. The weather was rather iffy and the wind was howling, so I was super surprised that so many people turned up to watch. It’s not something us Durbanites usually do. We generally like to stay home at the mere hint of rain, we’re bratty like that. Roy took photos of the riders, I took some candids of people in the crowd, all in all, not a bad way to spend a Sunday morning. Hope you all had a good weekend.


Longboarding And Possible Broken Bones

I recently bought myself a Sector 9 longboard (specifically this one) and while I am in mortal fear of breaking my head open,  this video is pretty awesome and makes me want to get out there and carve some pavement.

The problem in Durban is that people don’t know how to drive, so I reckon I’ll just stick to the beach front for now. The song is pretty cool too. I love me some Vetiver but the original of this song is still the best.