Mommy Darling Dearest

As you can see from the title above, this post is about my mom. She liked to make me call her “Mommy Darling Dearest” when I was young. These days it works pretty well if I want something.

My mom is a Taurus, I’m a Gemini. You can see how that might not make for the most peaceful of relationships. We’re both always right all the time, but if you had to ask me, I’m right about 80% of the time to her 20%. She feels the same way in reverse. This means that for the first few days, we can live in relative harmony but 72 hrs or more can result in some of the greatest re-enactments of WWII ever fought.

Back in 1986, when I was four years old, we followed my grandparents from Joburg to the coast. I applaud this move because first off, I got to see a lot of my grandparents, and secondly, it was awesome growing up on the beach. Shortly after moving to Port Edward, my mom started working at The Wild Coast Sun. I’m not entirely sure what position she started in but over the years  it’s been Banqueting, MVG and Marketing of which she is now the manager. Take my mom anywhere from Port Edward to Durban and people come up to her to say hello.

All in all though, my mom is one of the most hard-working, kindest people I know. She, along with my grandparents, brought me up to value family above all else. She also drummed really strong personal and work ethics into me, to the point that I know that I wouldn’t be who I am, or where I am today, without her.

So this is to thank my mom for being my personal hero, my mother and father all rolled into one. You’re everything to me that grandpa was to you and more. I wish both granny and grandpa were still here to see what you have become. They would both be so proud.


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